CITRA BLONDE SUMMER BREWWidmer Brothers Brewing CompanyVisit Website | More products from Widmer Brothers Brewing CompanyDescriptionCitra hops lend their name to this interpretation of a golden ale. But that’s not all they bring to the party. Their striking citrus aroma and thirst-quenching flavor are the perfect pairing for soft malt notes. Together they create a beer that’s full in flavor and uniquely refreshing. More FromWidmer Brothers Brewing Company Alchemy Pale AleBarrel Aged Brrrbon '13BRRR Seasonal AleColumbia CommonHefeweizenNelson Imperial IPAOkto Festival AleRotator IPA SeriesUpheaval IPAVanilla Barrel Aged Brrrbon ’13Omission LagerOmission Pale Ale
More FromWidmer Brothers Brewing Company Alchemy Pale AleBarrel Aged Brrrbon '13BRRR Seasonal AleColumbia CommonHefeweizenNelson Imperial IPAOkto Festival AleRotator IPA SeriesUpheaval IPAVanilla Barrel Aged Brrrbon ’13Omission LagerOmission Pale Ale